There is one gigantic obstacle that will impede on WOGI’s overall progress in Peru. There are questions about Nathan’s legal status in Peru. Nathan did not have an active visa of any sort in Peru not long ago (I’ll tell you how to verify this below). In particular, Nathan did not have a work visa in Peru. Though he was provided the money to take care of the situation, he chose to do something else with those funds. At the time, the situation was still not remedied. Has he fixed that issue with immigration since?
Working in Peru without a work visa is a HUGE no-no. Potentially, he risks being deported from Peru and unable to return for 5-10 years. So why is Nate avoiding getting the proper work visa? Could it have to do with the fact that he would have to face Interpol for an interview? You can draw your own conclusions as to why that may not work out in Nate’s favor very well.
One could also conclude that this questionable status is why Nathan keeps aligning himself with business partners who do have legal status in Peru (though he can’t seem to keep them around very long…). Nathan hasn’t had much success keeping his cohorts around for very long. He has gone through several in a very short time. Have you noticed no mention of certain past ‘board advisors’ or ‘executive team members’?
Back on track – So let’s say that in a VERY hypothetical situation that WOGI came up with the investors needed to secure the port project, but the WOGI CEO was unable to legally work within Peru … that would certainly lead to a hot mess for all involved. Why even put shareholders and investors through that?
Nathan, if you have corrected your status in Peru, you may want to let your stockholders know. However, based on facts from not long ago (that could be confirmed via Digemen Peru should anyone want to contact them directly), your legal status in Peru is questionable. Lord knows there is a gigantic trail of evidence of you ‘working’ in Peru. You were quick to brag about being in Peru, however, are you there legally?? Your stockholders are curious. A little clarity on whether you are in Peru legally or illegally would be the fair thing to offer those involved with World Oil Group, as business partners, investors, stockholders etc.
Perhaps these answers are with that MOU that seems so elusive via the iHub Forums. We probably shouldn’t expect direct conclusive responses, but I am sure there will be lots of indirect “beating around the bush” babble. I will say, however, I do hope Nathan has corrected his status in Peru for all involved. I keep hoping for just one shred of hope in this entire disaster.
Thanks for all of the emails, everyone. Until next time..or as “sunshine” from iHub would say … Stay Tuned!
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